4 Steps to Tackle any Problem Like Toyota

Dave Wentworth
2 min readApr 6, 2022

Toyota is the largest car manufacturer in the world.

One main reason is Toyota loves problems. Problems offer a chance to implement a solution and improve. How does Toyota solve problems? With a lean mindset, using the Toyota Problem Solving Method.

Toyota Problem Solving Method:

Step 1 — Clarify the Problem

A problem, clearly stated, is 50% solved.

Agreeing on what you are trying to solve is half of the battle. In a workgroup, you may have dozens of problems people think are the priority. It’s important to start with one. Here’s how you clarify the problem like Toyota.

Ex. consider you are starting a podcast to support your book release.

A: What’s the ultimate goal?

What are you trying to achieve and why?

Ex. Share my thoughts via podcast to support my book release.

Ultimate goal is your reason for striving, your lofty purpose.

B: What’s the current situation?

Choose a metric that allows you to pull additional data. If you can’t measure it easily, choose something else.

Ex. Podcast weekly downloads, 50 downloads per week.

Current situation where you sit right now. Use a number.

C: What is the ideal situation?

Choose the ideal scenario for your metric.

Ex. Podcast weekly downloads, 250 downloads per week.

Ideal situation is a number that you would choose if you had a magic wand.

D: Visualize the GAP.

Subtract the current situation from the ideal. This is the gap.

Ex. 250 downloads — 50 downloads is a gap of 200 weekly downloads.

The difference between your Current and Ideal Situation is your GAP.

The next step is Breakdown the Problem.

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Dave Wentworth

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